5 Haziran 2015 Cuma


1) Oh, I'm exhausted. .............. you give me a hand with this heavy box and help me carry it upstairs?
a. wooo    b. Should     c. If     d. Do     e. Would

2) Let's forget all about it for the time being, .............. .
a. won't we     b. will we     c. don't we     d. shall we     e. do we

3) "Now, ............... needs all that rubbish?"   "I do."
a. vahtt     b. Who     c. Which     d. What     e. Whom

4) You must all look after .............. on your trip back home.
a. selzs     b. yourself     c. your self
d. your selfs     e. your selves

5) He's surely .............. ill to need a doctor now; you'd better call for the imam.
a. so     b. very     c. critically     d. too     e. enough

6) May I have a little bit more coffee, .............. ?
a. I may have     b. mayn't I     c. please
d. haven't I     e. mayn't have I

7) Did your friend formerly .............. live here?
a. used not to     b. used to     c. was used to
d. used to do     e. use to

8) What a fantastic book ............... !
a. is this new book     b. have you written     c. which you wrote
d. isn't it     e. this book of yours is

9) I haven't seen you for such a long time. Where have you ............... all this time?
a. been hiding yourself     b. had been     c. being yourself
d. gone     e. had yourself

10) He was .............. businessman to fall into that trap.
a. too shrewd a     b. shrewd enough a     c. enough shrewd a
d. a too shrewd     e. an enough shrewd

11) .......... either of you a doctor?  .............. you both engineers?
a. Are/aren't     b. Is/is     c. Are/are     d. Is/are     e. Aren't/are

12) It was definitely .............. that you meant, .............. ?
a. his father/wasn't it     b. right/wasn't it     c. him/wasn't him
d. wrong/didn't you     e. ---/didn't you

13) I'm afraid I've terribly misjudged them both. The truth is that he can drive this machine very skillfully, and so ............... .
a. is he     b. am I     c. can his friend     d. he can     e. do I

14) You .............. another job pretty soon. I have a feeling that you're going to get fired before long.
a. would have started to look for
b. had better to start looking for
c. would start looking for
d. 'd better to start to look for
e. 'd better start looking for

15) She ............... about twenty-five when I first met her.
a. will have to be     b. has had to be     c. didn't need to be
d. ought not to be      e. must have been

16) The trouble is that he doesn't like mathematics. Come to think of it, he doesn't enjoy geometry much ............... .
a. either     b. whether     c. however     d. neither     e. nevertheless

17) I was under the impression that you, too, .............. along with us. I am sorry that you aren't.
a. were supposed to come     b. came to suppose
c. supposed to have come     d. were supposed to have come
e. supposed to come

18) It seems to me that they never gave a thought to probable future problems when the plans ............... five years ago.
a. they laid down     b. were not laid down     c. to be laid down
d. had been laid down     e. were being laid down

19) .............. feeding these fish, please be careful with .............. you give them.
a. After/that     b. When/what     c. What/where
d. Where/how     e. Before/when

20) As far as I'm concerned, all he's good at .............. making up the most improbable excuses anyone has ever heard.
a. his     b. presently     c. is     d. he is     e. present

01. e
06. c
11. d
16. a

02. d
07. e
12. a
17. a

03. b
08. e
13. c
18. e

04. a
09. a
14. e
19. b

05. d
10. a
15. e
20. c

1) "How long has your husband been away now?" "Well, next Saturday he ............... for three weeks."
a. will have been     b. will be going     c. will have been going
d. has gone     e. will have been gone
2) "He's been working very hard just recently." "So ............... ! He has an exam coming up, hasn't he?"
a. he should     b. has he     c. much more     d. is he     e. would he
3) What a smart suit that is you've got on. It .............. cost you a lot of money to buy.
a. ought to have     b. needn't have     c. should have
d. can't have     e. must have
4) The work had ............... under extremely difficult conditions.
a. been doing     b. to be done     c. completed     d. to complete     e. done
5) They have the poor girl ............... the whole house twice a day.
a. cleaned     b. to clean     c. cleans     d. clean     e. will clean
6) On top of the hill ............... .
a. a castle stood enormous
b. an enormous castle stood
c. stood an enormous castle
d. the enormous castle stood
e. the castle stood enormous

7) Isn't it time you ............... a sparkling new hair shampoo!
a. did yourself a favour and bought
b. are buying yourself
c. go and buy your sweetheart
d. will go and buy your family
e. buy me

8) I ............... it on my own by then.
a. am using     b. had got used to using     c. will never be able to get using
d. am used to do     e. was used to use

9) ............... two months at sea, he came back healthier than ever.
a. Spending     b. Being spent     c. Having spent
d. While spending     e. Having been spent

10) ............... rich people are, they never seem satisfied with their lot and always seen anxious to make ............... more money.
a. No matter how / still     b. Some / any     c. Whoever / that
d. So much / so much     e. Many / much

11) ............... had he drunk what was in the cup ............... he began to feel drowsy again.
a. When / that     b. No sooner / than     c. As soon as / then
d. Whether or not / always     e. Despite / never
12) She made a point of dying her hair and wearing dark glasses .............. people wouldn't recognize her.
a. if only     b. so that     c. as long as
d. in order to     e. whether or not

13) I shall say no more ............... I be misunderstood.
a. so     b. lest     c. because     d. even though     e. in order that
14) His wife begged him not to drink too much ............... he would have to drive them home.
a. therefore     b. whether     c. that     d. so     e. as
15) He was thought, by all, to be undergoing some kind of training abroad, but he now appears ............... all through these months in a remote part of the country.
a. camping     b. to have been camping     c. to be camping
d. having camped      e. to camp

16) This friend of mine visited his doctor the other day with some stomach problems and the doctor simply suggested that he ............... away from alcohol for some time.
a. will stay     b. would be staying     c. stay     d. would stay     e. stays
17) ............... , he didn't want to risk it for a third time.
a. Because he cannot fail again
b. Since the last time
c. Now that he has succeeded
d. Having failed twice already
e. Never again

18) ............... , we decided to go swimming.
a. The day being fine
b. Although it was a fine day
c. Despite the fact that the weather was fine
d. Unless it was nice weather
e. For fear that it might rain

19) "I'd like to have a word with you." "Yes, but ............... ?"
a. about what we have to talk
b. what we have to talk about
c. what do we have to talk about
d. what about we have to talk
e. we have to talk about what

20) I've been trying to make you understand for the last half an hour: If you have posted that letter, it ............... there by now.
a. would have got     b. had got     c. is going to get
d. hadn't got     e. will have got

01. e
06. c
11. b
16. c

02. a
07. a
12. b
17. d

03. e
08. b
13. b
18. a

04. b
09. c
14. e
19. c

05. d
10. a
15. b
20. e

1) ............... you help me with this heavy box?
a. When     b. Do     c. Will     d. Please     e. How often
2) Let's forget about it all, ............... ?
a. won't we     b. will we     c. don't we     d. shall we     e. let us not
3) "Now, ............... would ever need such a stupid gadget?"
a. When     b. Who     c. Which     d. What     e. Whom
4) This is ............... exciting book I've ever read in my life!
a. the more     b. most     c. more     d. the more and most     e. the most

5) This ............... look like my umbrella; it ............... yours.
a. mustn't / must be     b. doesn't / must be     c. is / isn't
d. isn't / would be     e. must / mustn't be
6) Would you like .............. more coffee? I'd like you to have .............. more.
a. to have / no     b. any / any     c. to have / any
d. some / some     e. --- / no more

7) I'd rather have it grilled ............... boiled.
a. from     b. that     c. then     d. to     e. than
8) I ............... read a lot when I ............... a child.
a. had to / had been     b. used to / was     c. have / have been
d. am used to / used to be     e. didn't / had been

9) By the time we got home, it ............... raining.
a. had stopped     b. has stopped     c. stops
d. didn't stop     e. will have stopped

10) By the time we get home, it ............... raining.
a. had stopped     b. had't stopped     c. stopped
d. didn't stop     e. will have stopped

11) The world ............... a lot since the days we were children.
a. will change     b. should change     c. had changed
d. is changing     e. has changed
12) "Which of the two do you want to have?"  ".............. ."
a. Everyone     b. All of them     c. Nothing
d. Each one of them     e. Neither one

13) Don't make .............. noise. Your father wants to get ............... sleep .
a. no more / any more     b. any more / some more     c. some / some more
d. any / no more     e. some / some
14) He ............... already left when we .............. there.
a. has / got     b. had / got     c. will have / got
d. would / got     e. --- / would get
15) ............... you like to go to the pictures (movies) tonight?
a. Should     b. May     c. Would     d. Might      e. Could
16) ............... door of ............... garage was damaged.
a. A / one     b. A / a     c. One / one     d. A / the     e. The / the
17) The letter ............... addressed to the wrong person. It never got where it was supposed to go.
a. will have been     b. needn't be     c. must have been
d. should have been     e. ought to have been
18) He was born ............... eleven p.m. ............... March 26th ............... the year 1987.
a. on / at / in     b. at / on / in     c. at / in / in
d. on / in / on     e. in / on / at

19) ............... man you've been talking about has just gone into the greengrocer's across the street.
a. ---     b. Other     c. The     d. Which     e. A
20) "............... did you two meet last night?" "How many times must I tell you? We didn't!"
a. Where     b. Please explain why     c. Who
d. Tell me when     e. Whom

01. c
06. d
11. e
16. e

02. d
07. e
12. e
17. c

03. b
08. b
13. b
18. b

04. e
09. a
14. b
19. c

05. b
10. e
15. c
20. a

1) "Where's Ali?"  "He ............... to the pictures again."
a. has been     b. 'd gone     c. goes     d. 's been     e. 's gone

2) Hello, Ali. Where ............... ?
a. had you been     b. are you     c. have you gone
d. have you been     e. you went

3) Everybody ............... coming, aren't they?
a. will be     b. is     c. are     d. aren't     e. isn't

4) Everybody knows it, ............... ?
a. doesn't he     b. doesn't it     c. doesn't one
d. don't they     e. isn't it

5) Everything ............... in good order, ............... ?
a. is / isn't it     b. are / aren't they     c. is / aren't they
d. aren't / aren't they     e. isn't / isn't it

6) Put it on the table, ............... .
a. do you     b. will you     c. isn't it     d. don't you     e. is it

7) ............... birds can fly very high in ............... sky.
a. The / the     b. Some / the     c. Some / -----     d. ----- / -----     e. The / a

8) What's been happening here? You look terribly ............... .
a. unhappily     b. angrily     c. asleep    d. anger      e. disappointed

9) She looked at me ............... .
a. angry     b. hungry     c. silly     d. happy     e. angrily

10) What on earth are you cooking in the kitchen? It smells ............... .
a. nasty     b. badly     c. well     d. nicely     e. tastily

11) I'm so worried about him. He drives his car much too ............... .
a. quick     b. fast     c. speedy     d. hurried     e. hasty

12) The bus ............... in ten minutes.
a. was living     b. is leaving     c. will live     d. isn't living     e. lives

13) I've eaten all of ............... ; will you give me some of ................ ?
a. yours / them     b. my / your     c. them / mine
d. mine / yours     e. yours / them

14) Güneş said that ............... .
a. I'm in my bedroom     b. she was in her bedroom     c. "I'm in my bedroom"
d. she is in her bedroom     e. he is in his bedroom

15) What a clever girl ............... !
a. you are     b. is she     c. aren't you     d. isn't she     e. are you

16) What beautiful eyes ............... !
a. has she     b. she looks     c. does she have     d. she has     e. have you

17) I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you ............... ?
a. escaping from me     b. hiding yourself     c. must have been
d. been     e. gone

18) I can't find my keys ............... . I seem to have lost them.
a. everywhere     b. somewhere     c. nowhere
d. anywhere     e. whereabouts

19) I'm sure they must be here ............... .
a. everywhere     b. somewhere     c. nowhere
d. anywhere     e. whereabouts

20) I've looked for them ............... , but I can't find them.
a. everywhere     b. somewhere     c. nowhere
d. anywhere     e. whereabouts

01. e
06. b
11. b
16. d

02. d
07. b
12. b
17. d

03. b
08. e
13. d
18. d

04. d
09. e
14. b
19. b

05. a
10. a
15. a
20. a

1) She has been working for that firm ............... since she left school.
a. very     b. never     c. every     d. a long time     e. ever
2) I'm so surprised to hear that he could do it ............... himself.
a. without     b. with     c. except for     d. all by     e. besides
3) This apple has ............... exceptionally sweet taste.
a. very     b. never     c. another     d. not     e. an
4) You look ............... you were expecting some bad news.
a. as though     b. almost     c. although     d. if     e. really
5) I'd like ............... lemonade with .............. sugar in it, please.
a. the / the     b. a / a     c. some / a     d. a / some     e. a / the
6) These flowers .............. all dead; please give me some fresh ............... .
a. was / were     b. are / ones     c. aren't all / more
d. will be / one     e. were / ---
7) By the time the doctor ............... here, it'll be too late to do anything for her.
a. gets     b. will get     c. got     d. get     e. had got
8) She ............... very quiet until you came along.
a. had been     b. keeps     c. has been
d. will have been      e. 's been keeping
9) Nobody loves you ............... I do.
a. than     b. more     c. except     d. if     e. like
10) The baby didn't get much sleep. We didn't ............... .
a. neither     b. more     c. less     d. so much more     e. either
11) She can speak Turkish quite well. And so ............... .
a. is he     b. she can     c. am I     d. can her friend     e. do I
12) We don't quite know how ............... there.
a. to get     b. in order to get     c. getting     d. able to get     e. can be getting
13) She didn't want ............... anything that would influence his decision.
a. having said     b. in order to say     c. to be said
d. saying     e. to say
14) I assume ............... against buying a new car.
a. deciding     b. your decision     c. to decide
d. you've decided     e. so as to decide

15) Why is she sitting there all ............... herself in the dark?
a. beside     b. lonely     c. by     d. alone     e. with
16) Seeing that his car wasn't there, I asked them, "Has Güneş ............... left?
a. ready to     b. a long time ago     c. already
d. as long as     e. yet
17) Did you really say that? You .............. out of your mind!
a. were to have been     b. have had to be     c. must have been
d. should have been     e. would be
18) She seemed ............... my company. Why did she ............... to leave?
a. to enjoy / like     b. enjoying / enjoy     c. have liked / ought
d. to be enjoying / have     e. to enjoy / seem

19) She ............... about twenty-five when I first met her.
a. will have to be     b. must have been     c. has had to be
d. didn't need to be     e. ought to have been

20) I've heard that the pink ............... are the best. I'd like to buy ............... if you've got ............... left.
a. any / some / any     b. ones / some / any     c. some / ones / many
d. ones / any / many     e. ones / any / ones

01. e
06. b
11. d
16. c

02. d
07. a
12. a
17. c

03. e
08. a
13. e
18. d

04. a
09. e
14. d
19. b

05. d
10. e
15. c
20. b

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