29 Nisan 2015 Çarşamba

15 Factors Necessary to Attract Creative Short Film

Sit down and think very little to be done to attract creative short film for you Should have identified 15 Factor:

1) First in a new product, lectures, scenarios should include.

2) short films, which are often perceived as a tendency to brainstorm Very message. Hence, the only message offering different and is a more appropriate status in a new way.

3) it must be space and time according to the general structure described situation. It should not even be eligible.

4) Light, if animations should be careful in the choice of their social aspects of the text should be noted the accuracy of message transmission direction.

5) Continuous presentation style should be selected. (To describe continuous text). Presentations should include other transmission elements.

6) The contrast should not be used too much. Because this time in the form of search bias is reflected in the audience side.

7) When selecting a short film to be told in film music stopped and feelings appropriate to the desired theme? Answer to the question should be given.

8.) very good tool for image resolution and quality materials must be selected.

9) lines in images, tingling and my being constantly shaking camera. Because this audience's attention can result in an inability to collect.

10.) Lecturing should be able to appeal to the days in which we live as much as possible or to send a message.

11) moral case scenario, customs and culture posts should be well analyzed. Prejudice must be.

12) can be given at the beginning of the message the film generally be said to be more effective at the end of the film.

13.) The film in turn to the audience "Look I'm telling you" should not be taken as an expression. Scenario should be presented in more natural application.

14) The players take on the role in the film will be a natural contribution to transport message? Or have you got this ability players when choosing Have questions must be asked.

15) Fake, Stolen, Quote, etc while the source is not specified may encounter unethical situations. Therefore, should avoid imitation and stolen the images and scenarios

28 Nisan 2015 Salı

Movie storyboard design before?

First place should be determined. Incident, you can start drawing a sketch on paper like. In the sketch plan of the football players who like to play, you can set the camera according to the flow. Action in such cases, so as not to conflict hit fall, details such as clutch can draw a storyboard. Each stage should not draw. You do not have any boots, maybe 16, maybe 8, maybe for a minute. Important details need to express drawing, the details of the story are clues. In this place, there is a phrase, it's a point of view, would be to put a lock on the door slowly, details would put his hand in his pocket to keep a hand. Sometimes you do not need, we can settle close to what we see in the background, but it is an absolute must if you tell the story.

Animation, made on computers for every aspect, although we draw the storyboard animatic to be monitored. So the film is done once the animation is done by looking at him. But you do not need anything, it is in the shooting. Only shooting plan and camera movement, there must be a plan drawings to tell the tale.

You should consider the squares according to the story, for example, let's say a man walking in a narrow corridor. Man's get while in the hallway or get going, or tell different stories to follow. You might think the storyboard accordingly.

Well, you know, draw as it comes to mind, then you do fix. This is both easy to use, can reveal both realize what you are.

Meanwhile, the director may not like storyboards, those who wish to review course.

My brother first short film

My brother must be primarily in the hands of the scenario to be a movie. If you're gonna do that, I suggest you look at the examples from the internet senary a professional. stage name off the day etc. writes. Alissa söylüyorum.ileri're thinking in terms of hand. scenario will memorize the scene that will attract players vereceksin.o day. then you can set the background. bi capture the whole scene taking one overall master plan are you going to be pretty open drain. never complete without stopping. after you pass the Amorsi. So someone's face when taking other actions we see as the shoulders slightly blurred. You draw by speaking man's shoulders.

 (I say for dialogue scenes) can not show more closely into the shoulder but it gives you depth of field. What I mean bi anlıcak when you read this article follow fled the scene. cutting as much as possible when the shots. for example one that you çekiyodum then cut through to the other side of the camera's switch to the other switch to other gerekiyo again took his dialogue. for example, now get me alıyo. and you have in front of me. We're shooting from your shoulder height. After I give you the cue to talk again, continued to flow akıtıca the entire scene without breaking my camera I ever play. When you're oynıcam the game late after I'm Gonna sing their lines for you. You çekiyodum me, for example, you can give the image of the people listening to you talk so to call. you save b error oldumu in fiction. It would also have to enter the audio plug tuk ikideb. After a few seconds after start the game and you have to enter the camera recording it is going to be second. sometimes general, sometimes close, sometimes while listening fiction scenes that you sağlıcak putting a smooth film. If the details should be taken to bring meaning to the film shoot them. It is saved. for example, both large yakıcak man when burning cigarette lighters on stage is always good to be close to both. Let me tell you how I did not know more details :)) my brother come easy.

How do you withdraw clips?

I as someone who knows the singer was and the music industry up to 3 years ... advice following olacaktır..klip is a visual representation of a musical work ... and essential piece of music will be and performers of take appropriate clip to the audience ... your friend is an amateur that You said ... that I think will be the first clip ... first hello is very important ... There are two ways ... either you try to draw a real clips and will be cheering on the many consequences due to your inexperience ... and this artist will show the weak. more strategic act only plan a clip in ...

 new press records the camera will choose the way to do one plans a shot from start to finish ... e can say already doing it at all home .... yours difference frame, the light is best set of high quality clip will capture the visual ... meanwhile artist of type, facial dominance, body language, gaze final determines failure or success ... plenty of records make himself should follow ... acting in the cons concentrating on the correct plus to do preliminary ... suitable venue selection ..ca edge of the mirror against the car seat terrace etc etc ... you decide ... you give him the right lighting and forums available on the title song by moving the frame ... The shadowy lighting will be more dramatic than aydınlık..slow weather floor ... I do not tell him what the .şark but slow is usually subject are the same there is a separation of a yearning ... in the hands of stiff an object to oynayabilir..atıy I soloist boy, a buckle, headband, the picture may etc ... I göre..atıy the words ... Go you derken..toka to look at it the message that belongs to lovers from the buckle verir..v it is identified from lover to object ... clothing away from the mood was extremely attentive prepare as suits, elegant but more simple, natural things should be preferred ... feeling to pass to live following, sincerity will experience will also deliver a performance you to your goal .... also are more Rabet the following amateur works are aware ... because sincere coming .... said the doctor part of a girls class you remember and broke Hits records ... then made her professional album and song clip was filmed ... read live on çalındı..mix mastering studio vs.. labor and investment ... ... fos ... never result relevancy interest in a video realized in that class ... !! !

 sincerity and spontaneity ... will appeal to your target audience with this strategy easier than your first clip .... well ... after shooting the song puts you shoot under yapar..orjinal would hold less color adjustment video sync your mu..iş çobucak ends. ..;) That's the way I am on the road is not easy at all ... in fact your friend in yapacaksınız..birlik player coaching trial recordings to determine the alaçaksınız..yer, light settings to make, clothes to choose ... ... head hair accessories .... a solarium before shooting the 4 * 5 days depending on the condition of skin, maybe a little makeup ... etc etc etc ... All these preparations will not be easy ... so you have to start somewhere .... take it easy: D

Soft Box with less cost ( Soft Light ), construction ( Method 1

The effect of soft light in the movies certainly can not be ignored. Of course, by developing equipment for it to take, etc. it can be very costly. I'll tell you how you can get a very cheap way to soft light in this article. For photos with a very good alternative to this method it is often a useful way video. But in some cases there may be inadequate for photography.

Japanese fenerib Japanese lighthouse structure are readily available in the market. Moreover, a much cheaper price. Lightweight and easy to carry. You can choose where you plug yourself into the light.

Outside the Japanese paper lanterns, light is not in a very hard way also facilitates the dispersal smoothly. In this way, very cheap, easy and fast way, you will obtain your own soft light.

After that you need to do to select a bulb. Carefully select the color according to the light bulb and violence. Cables required to install light bulbs, hear, you can get help from bi electrician to plug etc.
Insert a simple switch on the cable, you can easily control the opening and closing business. You can control the intensity of the light dimmer or a plug. But remember; It must be eligible to work with dimmer bulbs. Do not forget the dimmer is expensive.
Japanese lanterns are not only sold in white. Decorative options for that household products is also available. This situation gives us several advantages. For example, select the appropriate color, we can change the color of light. In some cases, the light must enter the image. Taking on a Japanese lantern shapes found in such a situation, we can take into the aesthetic image.
If we want to achieve a uniform light in a space too, side by side, many Japanese lanterns, we can achieve uniform light. Homogeneous light used in techniques such as green screen so that we can get in Hollywood.

In later times still so cheap, easy and quick to make yazca second method in this block light.

Quality Sound Recording ( for videos with less cost )

One of the major factors that make amateur amateur filmmakers: Audio. Usually filmmakers are chasing the beautiful images and the way that they forget the importance of the sound. Buddha that reveals them amateurs.

In this article I will talk about a path with very little cost to make high quality voice recording you. Of course, I mentioned this method applies to video recording. If you want to make music and recording studio quality, I do not know if this method would satisfy you.

Nowadays, most people have a smartphone in your pocket. All enabled devices in many of these there are a good microphone. Smart phone video shot while putting in a suitable place can get a good sound recording. Be careful not to appear on the phone's display.

In addition, the collar can connect a headset with a microphone to the phone in order to use the style of a microphone and can record audio in the bottom of the dress. Sound quality than you plug in headphones and the height is different. Therefore, the structure of pre-trial.

Whether or not you have headphones plugged in, where there is movement of the microphone or instrument into something of friction makes unwanted noises occur. Therefore, the audio recording device requires a lot of space to play.

After the combine voice recording audio and video. You get much better quality sound :)

If demand

Sound recording programs used in smart phones
Using your smartphone as a microphone boom
Audio and video merge in a computer
Voice recording will make your job easier while Tricks
I write on this blog. Write a review for your questions.